Nov 5, 2011

Terranigma Chapter 05

Chapter 05 version 2.0 is out today! We also have the results of last week's poll.

The question was: If you could own one piece of Terranigma merchandise, what would it be?

The highest scoring vote was for an Ark action figure, with 45% of votes! I can say that I've always wanted one of these, and it's a crying shame such a thing does not exist.

There's a new poll up this week, as well as today's release of Chapter 05. Enjoy!

PC Version (JPEG)

iPhone Version

iPad Version

As always, feel free to ask questions and leave comments, email me at, or visit our facebook page: Glacial Rebellion on Facebook


  1. Thanks very much for the release ^o^

  2. Thank you very much for this chapter ^_^

  3. I think new verison is better than previous.
    good job!

  4. Thanks for the release. Hope you can keep it up.

  5. Great !
    I am so lucky discovering great story and artwork thanks to you.

    Not that usual to have a manga part in RPGs. I am waiting for next chapter with enthousiasm !

  6. @ Mike: Actually, it's not that unusual. There's also a 7th Saga manga too, and lots of others, such as Tactics Ogre, Fire Emblem, Dragon Quest. Concerning old titles like Terranigma, there might be fewer manga, but even so, it's really not that uncommon - although some of them might be rare.

  7. Thanks a lot for your work, guys. I have tried to find the 2nd volume, but no luck. Will you publish it eventually?

    Manga from old titles...? I remember the one from Zelda: A link to the past.

    Merry christmas!

  8. I long for the next chapter :D ! Don't be mean and publish it already XD !

  9. please... need... next... chapter... BADLY XD !!!

  10. Welp links died, i had the old version fortunately, i got to say this isn't as good as the original game, though that might be because of how much i loved the game and all the changes to make the story fit better in manga.
    Patiently waiting for volume 2!
